Hi, my name is Anuj Kumar Prasad
I'm the Developer you need.

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About me

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I am a Developer.I have experience in Web Development and I also work as Python Developer. I am a student at University of Calcutta,India pursuing my Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science.

I am constantly improving my skills because I don't like being part of the crowd.I am always striving to be a better version of myself. I love the logic and structure of coding and always strive to write elegant and efficient code whether it's HTML, CSS , Javascript or Python.

When i'm not coding or working on projects, you'll find me watching anime or reading manga.

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Smart Brain

A face recognition app created using React using Clarifai API. There are sign in and register options and the credentilas are stored in a database with hashed passwords. The user has to input an image URL so that the app can detect face in it.

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A create-react-app where you can search for robot friends and their contact cards will be displayed dynamically. It uses https://robohash.org/ API to fetch robots.

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Budget App

A simple monthly budget calculator created using HTML5, CSS3 and Javascript. This was one of the first projects I made while learning Web Development. It works in a simple way - enter your expenses and income and the remaining budget is automatically calculated for you !

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DOM Pig Game

Dice rolling game, making use of DOM and Javascript basics to create an interactive game. Scores can be changed by typing a target score in an input box.

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Memory Game

Memory game is a card game in which all of the cards are laid face down on a surface and two cards are flipped face up over each turn. The object of the game is to turn over pairs of matching cards.

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Food Delivery Website

A fully responsive food delivery website created using HTML, CSS and Javascript.

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